So after a couple of years away from acting I’m going back to the well.
I’ve been talking to a couple of agents and hopefully I’ll sign with a new one soon.
I plan to focus on my main objectives.
1. Get a small part in a big budget sci-fi movie.
I previously auditioned for Dune 2 and Silo but didn’t quite get there.
Why this goal? You’ll laugh.. I want to never pay to go to a comicon again 🙂
2. Get some TV commercial work.
Why? Frankly it pays really well 🙂
Of course I’m happy for all work. I quite like the idea of playing a villain too (not sure that will get me in comicon though.)
As a dyslexic actor leaning lines is a slow process. I managed to speed it up a bit by listening to recordings of them. Still a challenge however.
So I’m not aiming high, just small roles maybe, see how it goes.